Sequence signature matches

^ http://edamontology.org/data_0858

Report on the location of matches ("hits") between sequences, sequence profiles, motifs (conserved or functional patterns) and other types of sequence signatures.

Synonyms: Sequence motif hits, Sequence profile hits, Sequence profile alignment, Sequence motif matches, Profile-profile alignment, Sequence-profile alignment, Protein secondary database search results, Sequence profile matches, Search results (protein secondary database)

Term info


edam, data

Created in



This includes reports of hits from a search of a protein secondary or domain database. Data associated with the search or alignment might also be included, e.g. ranked list of best-scoring sequences, a graphical representation of scores etc., A "profile-profile alignment" is an alignment of two sequence profiles, each profile typically representing a sequence alignment., A "sequence-profile alignment" is an alignment of one or more molecular sequence(s) to one or more sequence profile(s) (each profile typically representing a sequence alignment).