All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Environmental information processing pathway report data_1658 [environmental information processing pathways.]
Genetic information processing pathway report data_1657 [genetic information processing pathways.]
Metabolic pathway report data_1656 [A report typically including a map (diagram) of a metabolic pathway.]
Classification report data_2987 [A report on a classification of molecular sequences, structures or other entities.]
Protein features report (key folding sites) data_2989 [key residues involved in protein folding.]
Pathway or network data data_2983 [Data concerning a specific biological pathway or network.]
Pathway or network report data_2984 [An informative report concerning or derived from the analysis of a biological pathway or network, such as a map (diagram) or annotation.]
Molecular interactions, pathways and networks topic_0602 [Molecular interactions, biological pathways, networks and other models.]
Nucleic acid thermodynamic data data_2985 [A thermodynamic or kinetic property of a nucleic acid molecule.]
Nucleic acid property data_0912 [A report of primarily non-positional data describing intrinsic physical, chemical or other properties of a nucleic acid molecule.]
Nucleic acid classification data_2986 [Data concerning the classification of nucleic acid sequences or structures.]
Protein classification data_2980 [An informative report concerning the classification of protein sequences or structures.]
Sequence motif data data_2981 [Data concerning specific or conserved pattern in molecular sequences.]
Sequence profile data data_2982 [Data concerning models representing a (typically multiple) sequence alignment.]
BioYAML format_3773 [BioYAML is a BioXSD-schema-based YAML format of sequence-based data and some other common data - sequence records, alignments, feature records, references to resources, and more - optimised for integrative bioinformatics, web APIs, human readability and editting, and object-oriented programming.]
YAML format_3750 [YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable tree-structured data serialisation language.]
Sequence record format format_1919 [Data format for a molecular sequence record.]
Alignment format format_1921 [Data format for molecular sequence alignment information.]
Experimental measurement data_3108 [Raw data such as measurements or other results from laboratory experiments, as generated from laboratory hardware.]
Sequence features data_1255 [Annotation of positional features of molecular sequence(s), i.e. that can be mapped to position(s) in the sequence.]