All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Ontology concept comment data_1732 [A comment on a concept from an ontology.]
Ontology concept definition data_1731 [The definition of a concept from an ontology.]
Ontology concept data data_0967 [Data concerning or derived from a concept from a biological ontology.]
Ontology relation type data_1730 [A relation type defined in an ontology.]
Nucleic acid structure topic_3039 [Nucleic acid (secondary or tertiary) structure, such as whole structures, structural features and associated annotation.]
Atomic z coordinate data_1746 [Cartesian z coordinate of an atom (in a molecular structure).]
Protein interaction networks topic_3044 [Protein interaction networks]
Atomic y coordinate data_1745 [Cartesian y coordinate of an atom (in a molecular structure).]
Protein sequences topic_3043 [Protein sequences and associated concepts such as sequence sites, alignments, motifs and profiles.]
Atomic x coordinate data_1744 [Cartesian x coordinate of an atom (in a molecular structure).]
Nucleic acid sequences topic_3042 [Nucleotide sequences and associated concepts such as sequence sites, alignments, motifs and profiles.]
Mammals topic_3048 [Mammals, e.g. information on a specific mammal genome including molecular sequences, genes and annotation.]
Molecular biology topic_3047 [The molecular basis of biological activity, particularly the macromolecules (e.g. proteins and nucleic acids) that are essential to life.]
PDB atom name data_1748 [Identifier (a string) of a specific atom from a PDB file for a molecular structure.]
Atom name data_1757 [Name of an atom.]
Atomic coordinate data_1743 [Cartesian coordinate of an atom (in a molecular structure).]
Atomic property data_1917 [Data for an atom (in a molecular structure).]
Sequence databases topic_3041 [Molecular sequence data resources, including sequence sites, alignments, motifs and profiles.]
PDB residue number data_1742 [A residue identifier (a string) from a PDB file.]
PlasMapper TextMap format_1861 [Map of a plasmid (circular DNA) in PlasMapper TextMap format.]