All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
dta format_3652 [Spectral data format file where each spectrum is written to a separate file.]
MGF format_3651 [Mascot Generic Format. Encodes multiple MS/MS spectra in a single file.]
Human disease topic_0803 [Human diseases, typically describing the genes, mutations and proteins implicated in disease.]
mzXML format_3654 [Common file format for proteomics mass spectrometric data developed at the Seattle Proteome Center/Institute for Systems Biology.]
ENZYME enzyme report format format_2323 [Format of an entry from the Enzyme nomenclature database (ENZYME).]
pkl format_3653 [Spectral data file similar to dta.]
BioCyc enzyme report format format_2322 [Format of an entry from the BioCyc enzyme database.]
Gene name (CGSC) data_1790 [Symbol of a gene from E.coli Genetic Stock Center.]
netCDF format_3650 [Format used by netCDF software library for writing and reading chromatography-MS data files. Also used to store trajectory atom coordinates information, such as the ones obtained by Molecular Dynamics simulations.]
Trajectory format (binary) format_3867 [Binary file format to store trajectory information for a 3D structure .]
GeneCards gene report format format_2329 [Format of a report on a gene from the GeneCards database.]
PseudoCAP gene report format format_2328 [Format of a report on a gene from the PseudoCAP database.]
pepXML format_3655 [Open data format for the storage, exchange, and processing of peptide sequence assignments of MS/MS scans, intended to provide a common data output format for many different MS/MS search engines and subsequent peptide-level analyses.]
GPML format_3657 [Graphical Pathway Markup Language (GPML) is an XML format used for exchanging biological pathways.]
Gene name (TGD) data_1789 [Name of a gene from Tetrahymena Genome Database.]
Gene name (SGD) data_1788 [Name of a gene from Saccharomyces Genome Database.]
Gene name (ASPGD) data_1783 [Name of a gene from Aspergillus Genome Database.]
Gene name (MaizeGDB) data_1787 [Name of a gene from MaizeGDB (maize genes) database.]
Gene name (EcoGene primary) data_1786 [Primary name of a gene from EcoGene Database.]
Gene name (dictyBase) data_1785 [Name of a gene from dictyBase database.]