All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Sequence conversion operation_0233 [Convert a molecular sequence from one type to another.]
Conversion operation_3434 [Convert a data set from one form to another.]
Generation operation_3429 [Construct some data entity.]
Editing operation_3096 [Edit a data entity, either randomly or specifically.]
qualsolid format_3610 [FASTQ format subset for Phred sequencing quality score data only (no sequences) for SOLiD data.]
tabix format_3616 [TAB-delimited genome position file index format.]
bgzip format_3615 [Blocked GNU Zip format.]
xgmml format_3618 [XML-based format used to store graph descriptions within Galaxy.]
ENCODE peak format format_3612 [Human ENCODE peak format.]
bed6 format_3585 [BED file format where each feature is described by chromosome, start, end, name, score, and strand.]
qual454 format_3611 [FASTQ format subset for Phred sequencing quality score data only (no sequences) from 454 sequencers.]
ENCODE broad peak format format_3614 [Human ENCODE broad peak format.]
ENCODE narrow peak format format_3613 [Human ENCODE narrow peak format.]
Protein architecture analysis operation_0247 [Analyse the architecture (spatial arrangement of secondary structure) of protein structure(s).]
Protein structure analysis operation_2406 [Analyse protein structural data.]
Residue interaction calculation operation_0248 [Calculate or extract inter-atomic, inter-residue or residue-atom contacts, distances and interactions in protein structure(s).]
Protein property calculation operation_0250 [Extract, calculate or predict non-positional (physical or chemical) properties of a protein, including any non-positional properties of the molecular sequence, from processing a protein sequence or 3D structure.]
Protein folding, stability and design topic_0130 [Protein stability, folding (in 3D space) and protein sequence-structure-function relationships. This includes for example study of inter-atomic or inter-residue interactions in protein (3D) structures, the effect of mutation, and the design of proteins with specific properties, typically by designing changes (via site-directed mutagenesis) to an existing protein.]
Structural motif discovery operation_0245 [Identify or screen for 3D structural motifs in protein structure(s).]
Protein feature detection operation_3092 [Predict, recognise and identify positional features in proteins from analysing protein sequences or structures.]