study design independent variable

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000750

Term info

IAO 0000111

independent variable specification

IAO 0000118

independent variable, experimental factor

IAO 0000119

Web: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_and_independent_variables

OBI 0001847

study factor

curator note

2009-03-16: work has been done on this term during during the OBI workshop winter 2009 and the current definition was considered acceptable for use in OBI. If there is a need to modify thisdefinition please notify OBI.


a directive information entity that is part of a study design. Independent variables are entities whose values are selected to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon (the dependent variable). In such an experiment, an attempt is made to find evidence that the values of the independent variable determine the values of the dependent variable (that which is being measured). The independent variable can be changed as required, and its values do not represent a problem requiring explanation in an analysis, but are taken simply as given. The dependent variable on the other hand, usually cannot be directly controlled

editor note

2/2/2009 Original definition - In the design of experiments, independent variables are those whose values are controlled or selected by the person experimenting (experimenter) to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon (the dependent variable). In such an experiment, an attempt is made to find evidence that the values of the independent variable determine the values of the dependent variable (that which is being measured). The independent variable can be changed as required, and its values do not represent a problem requiring explanation in an analysis, but are taken simply as given. The dependent variable on the other hand, usually cannot be directly controlled., In the Philly 2013 workshop the label was chosen to distinguish it from "dependent variable" as used in statistical modelling. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_modeling

example of usage

In a study in which gene expression is measured in patients between 8 month to 4 years old that have mild or severe malaria and in which the hypothesis is that gene expression in that age group is a function of disease status, disease status is the independent variable.

has curation status


term editor

PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg, PERSON: Chris Stoeckert, PERSON: Bjoern Peters, Dani Welter

Term relations

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