ankle brachial index

^ http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0003912

Term info

database cross reference
  • MeSH:D055109
  • NCIt:C87304
  • SNOMEDCT:446841001
  • MedDRA:10062762
  • SNOMEDCT:401221002

An alternative to the ankle-brachial index., Comparison of the BLOOD PRESSURE between the BRACHIAL ARTERY and the POSTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY. It is a predictor of PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE.

gwas trait


has exact synonym

Toe-Brachial Indices, Index, Ankle-Brachial, Ankle-Brachial Index, ABPI, Index, Toe Brachial, Brachial Indices, Toe, Toe-Brachial Index, Ankle Brachial Indices, Index, Ankle Brachial, Indices, Toe-Brachial, Brachial Index, Toe, Toe Brachial Indices, Toe Brachial Index, Brachial Index, Ankle, ankle brachial pressure index, Ankle-Brachial Indices, Indices, Ankle Brachial, Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI), Indices, Ankle-Brachial, Brachial Indices, Ankle, Indices, Toe Brachial, Index, Toe-Brachial

term editor

Tomasz Adamusiak

Term relations