
^ http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0009309

Term info


Div-Seq is a single-nucleus RNA sequencing technique that improves upon sNuc-Seq by incorporating 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) labeling to identify dividing cells during their different cell stages. EdU labeling also enables identification of different cell types in complex tissue samples and rare cell populationsduring FACS. Briefly, samples are labeled in vivo with EdU, dissected, and fixed before isolation into single nuclei. Individual nuclei are tagged fluorescently and sorted by FACS. From this step, the procedure follows the Nuc-Seq method: cDNA synthesis is performed using the Smart-seq2 protocol, while the cDNA library is prepared with Tn5 transposase–mediated tagmentation.

term editor

Dani Welter

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