All terms in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
Mexico Mexico
Norway Norway
The Gambia The_Gambia
Lithuania Lithuania
Lesotho Lesotho
South East Asian HANCESTRO_0007 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as South East Asian or one of the sub-populations from this region (e.g Vietnamese). This category also includes includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes KHV population. We note that East Asian and South East Asian populations are often conflated. However, recent studies indicate a unique genetic background for South East Asian populations.]
Asian HANCESTRO_0008 [Includes individuals that either self-report or have been described as Asian but there was not sufficient information to allow classification as East Asian, Central Asian, South Asian or South-East Asian.]
São Tomé and Príncipe São_Tomé_and_Príncipe
South Asian HANCESTRO_0006 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as South Asian or one of the sub-populations from this region (e.g Asian Indian). This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap BEB, GIH, ITU, PJL and STU populations.]
Icelandic HANCESTRO_0369
European HANCESTRO_0005 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as European, Caucasian, White or one of the sub-populations from this region (e.g Dutch). This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap CEU, FIN, GBR, IBS and TSI populations.]
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
East Asian HANCESTRO_0009 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as East Asian or one of the sub-populations from this region (e.g Chinese). This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap CDX, CHB, CHS and JPT populations.]
United Arab Emirates United_Arab_Emirates
Pakistani HANCESTRO_0490
Pakistan Pakistan
Latvian HANCESTRO_0371
undefined ancestry population HANCESTRO_0566 [Population for which insufficient information is available to allocate it to a specific ancestral group or which contain individuals from a range of known ancestry categories, eg American]
Latvia Latvia
Bruneian HANCESTRO_0492