All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
dorsal to BSPO_0000098 [x dorsal to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly)., x dorsal_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).]
drains RO_0002179 [Relation between an collecting structure and another structure, where the collecting structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy away from the other structure.]
dubious_grouping dubious_grouping
early_development early_development
ecologically related to RO_0002321 [A relationship that is mediated in some way by the environment or environmental feature (ENVO:00002297)]
editor editor
editor note IAO_0000116 [An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology.]
editor preferred term IAO_0000111 [The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English)]
editor_note editor_note
editor_notes editor_notes
efo_slim efo_slim
elucidation IAO_0000600
emapa_ehdaa2 emapa_ehdaa2
enabled by RO_0002333 [inverse of enables]
enables RO_0002327 [c enables p iff c is capable of p and c acts to execute p.]
enables subfunction RO_0004031 [Holds between an entity and an process P where the entity enables some larger compound process, and that larger process has-part P.]
end, days post fertilization end_dpf [Count of number of days intervening between the end of the stage and the time of fertilization according to a reference model. Note that the first day of development has the value of 1 for this property.]
end, months post birth end_mpb [Count of number of months intervening between the end of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first month of post-birth development has the value of 1 for this property, and the period during which the child is one month old has the value 2]
end, years post birth end_ypb [Count of number of years intervening between the end of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first year of post-birth development has the value of 1 for this property, and the period during which the child is one year old has the value 2]
ends RO_0002229 [Relation between occurrents, shares an end boundary with., inverse of ends with]