All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
has soma location RO_0002100 [Relation between a neuron and an anatomical structure that its soma is part of.]
has stage marker has_stage_marker [A relationship between a stage class and an anatomical structure or developmental process class, in which the stage is characterized by the appearance of the structure or the occurrence of the biological process]
has start location RO_0002231 [x 'has starts location' y if and only if there exists some process z such that x 'starts with' z and z 'occurs in' y]
has start time has_start_time
has synaptic IO in region RO_0013001 [A relationship between a neuron and a region, where the neuron has a functionally relevant number of input and/or output synapses in that region.]
has synaptic terminal in RO_0002130 [A general relation between a neuron and some structure in which it either chemically synapses to some target or in which it receives (chemical) synaptic input., A relation between a neuron and some structure in which it either chemically synapses to some target or in which it receives (chemical) synaptic input.]
has synaptic terminal of RO_0002006
has target end location RO_0002339 [This relationship holds between p and l when p is a transport or localization process in which the outcome is to move some cargo c from a an initial location to some destination l.]
has target start location RO_0002338 [This relationship holds between p and l when p is a transport or localization process in which the outcome is to move some cargo c from some initial location l to some destination.]
has time stamp IAO_0000581 [relates a time stamped measurement datum to the time measurement datum that denotes the time when the measurement was taken]
has unit has_unit
has x coordinate value IAO_0000404
has y coordinate value IAO_0000406
has z coordinate value IAO_0000405
hasScope hasScope
has_alternative_id hasAlternativeId
has_broad_synonym hasBroadSynonym [An alternative label for a class or property which has a more general meaning than the preferred name/primary label.]
has_constituent_monomer has_constituent_monomer
has_functional_parent has_functional_parent
has_gene_template has_gene_template