All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
is_substituent_group_from is_substituent_group_from
is_tautomer_of is_tautomer_of
label label
lacks_part CL_4030045
lacks_part lacks_part
lacks_plasma_membrane_part CL_4030046
lacks_plasma_membrane_part lacks_plasma_membrane_part
language language
latin term LATIN
layer part of layer_part_of
license license
license license
located_in RO_0001025 [a relation between two independent continuants, the target and the location, in which the target is entirely within the location]
location_grouping location_grouping
location_grouping location_grouping
location_of RO_0001015 [a relation between two independent continuants, the location and the target, in which the target is entirely within the location]
logical characteristic of object property OMO_0001001 [This is an annotation used on an object property to indicate a logical characterstic beyond what is possible in OWL.]
lumen of RO_0002571 [x lumen_of y iff x is the space or substance that is part of y and does not cross any of the inner membranes or boundaries of y that is maximal with respect to the volume of the convex hull.]
luminal space of RO_0002572 [s is luminal space of x iff s is lumen_of x and s is an immaterial entity]
major_organ major_organ