All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
see also seeAlso
seeAlso seeAlso
sends output to RO_0002486
serially homologous to RO_0002159
sexually_homologous_to sexually_homologous_to
shares ancestor with RO_0002158 [two individual entities d1 and d2 stand in a shares_ancestor_with relation if and only if there exists some a such that d1 derived_by_descent_from a and d2 derived_by_descent_from a.]
shorthand shorthand
simultaneous with RO_0002082 [Relation between occurrents, shares start and end boundaries.]
site_of site_of [c site_of p if c is the bearer of a disposition that is realized by a process that has p as part.]
skeleton of RO_0002576 [inverse of has skeleton]
smiles smiles
source source
source source
source source
spatially coextensive with RO_0002379 [x spatially_coextensive_with y if and inly if x and y have the same location]
spatially disjoint from RO_0002163 [A is spatially_disjoint_from B if and only if they have no parts in common]
spatially_disjoint_from spatially_disjoint_from
specialization_within specialization_within
start, days post fertilization start_dpf [Count of number of days intervening between the start of the stage and the time of fertilization according to a reference model. Note that the first day of development has the value of 0 for this property.]
start, months post birth start_mpb [Count of number of months intervening between the start of the stage and the time of birth according to a reference model. Note that the first month of post-birth development has the value of 0 for this property, and the period during which the child is one month old has the value 1.]