All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
uberon_slim uberon_slim
unverified_taxonomic_grouping unverified_taxonomic_grouping
upper_level upper_level
url url
valid_for_go_annotation_extension valid_for_go_annotation_extension
valid_for_go_gp2term valid_for_go_gp2term
valid_for_go_ontology valid_for_go_ontology
valid_for_gocam valid_for_gocam
value_slim value_slim
ventral to BSPO_0000102 [x ventral to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly)., x ventral_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).]
version version
vertebrate_core vertebrate_core
xref xref