All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
UBPROP_0000012 UBPROP_0000012
UBPROP_0000013 UBPROP_0000013
UBPROP_0000014 UBPROP_0000014
UBPROP_0000015 UBPROP_0000015
UBPROP_0000103 UBPROP_0000103
UBPROP_0000104 UBPROP_0000104
UBPROP_0000105 UBPROP_0000105
UBPROP_0000106 UBPROP_0000106
UBPROP_0000107 UBPROP_0000107
UBPROP_0000111 UBPROP_0000111
UBPROP_0000201 UBPROP_0000201
UBPROP_0000202 UBPROP_0000202
_upper_level _upper_level
abbreviation abbreviation
abnormal_slim abnormal_slim
achieves_planned_objective OBI_0000417 [This relation obtains between a planned process and a objective specification when the criteria specified in the objective specification are met at the end of the planned process.]
acts on population of RO_0012003 [p acts on population of c iff c' is a collection, has members of type c, and p has participant c]
acts upstream of RO_0002263 [c acts upstream of p if and only if c enables some f that is involved in p' and p' occurs chronologically before p, is not part of p, and affects the execution of p. c is a material entity and f, p, p' are processes.]
acts upstream of or within RO_0002264 [c acts upstream of or within p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of or within p. c is a material entity and p is an process.]
acts upstream of or within, negative effect RO_0004033