All properties in HCAO

Label Id Description
causally upstream of or within, negative effect RO_0004046
causally upstream of or within, positive effect RO_0004047
causally upstream of, negative effect RO_0002305 [p is causally upstream of, negative effect q iff p is casually upstream of q, and the execution of p decreases the execution of q.]
causally upstream of, positive effect RO_0002304 [p is causally upstream of, positive effect q iff p is casually upstream of q, and the execution of p is required for the execution of q.]
cell_quality cell_quality
channel for channel_for
channels_from channels_from
channels_into channels_into
characteristic of part of RO_0002314 [q characteristic of part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w.]
charge charge
citesAsAuthority citesAsAuthority
closeMatch closeMatch
comment comment
common_anatomy common_anatomy
common_name common_name
component component
composed primarily of RO_0002473 [x composed_primarily_of y iff: more than half of the mass of x is made from parts of y., x composed_primarily_of y if and only if more than half of the mass of x is made from y or units of the same type as y.]
composition composition
concretizes RO_0000059 [A relationship between a specifically dependent continuant and a generically dependent continuant, in which the generically dependent continuant depends on some independent continuant in virtue of the fact that the specifically dependent continuant also depends on that same independent continuant. Multiple specifically dependent continuants can concretize the same generically dependent continuant.]
conduit for conduit_for [x is a conduit for y iff y passes through the lumen of x.]