preputial gland

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000359

An aired, lobulated, modified sebaceous glands located in the inguinal region adjacent to the penis and vagina, with pheromonal functions in male rodents; in males, the preputial gland empties into the preputial cavity and in females, the preputial (aka clitoral) gland duct empties into the clitoral fossa. [ MP:0013329 ]

Synonyms: preputial glands set, glandulae preputiales, preputial glands

Term info

database cross reference

pheno_slim, organ_slim

UBPROP 0000001

the paired, lobulated, modified sebaceous glands of the corona, the neck of the glans penis, and the inner surface of the prepuce with pheromonal functions in male rodents; male preputial secretions strongly attract females, may accelerate estrus, and have been implicated in intermale aggression; homologous to the clitoral glands (aka female preputial glands) in female rodents; there is no true anatomical equivalent in humans.

UBPROP 0000003

There is debate about whether humans have functional homologues to preputial glands.

UBPROP 0000202


has related synonym

clitoral/preputial gland



never in taxon



Set of preputial glands, preputial gland

Term relations