lateral tuberal nucleus

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000435

Nerve cell nuclei situated ventrally in the intermediate hypothalamic region, mainly in the lateral hypothalamic area. [ BTO:0002481 ]

Synonyms: lateral tuberal nuclear complex, lateral tuberal nuclei, lateral tuberal hypothalamic nuclei

Term info

database cross reference
  • HBA:12915
  • BAMS:LTu
  • BM:TU
  • neuronames:428 (BIRNLEX:1206)
  • FMA:62336
  • DHBA:10493
  • UMLS:C0086527 (BIRNLEX:1206)
  • BIRNLEX:1206
  • EV:0100240
  • BTO:0002481

The lateral tuberal nucleus is specific to humans and higher primates, however, this term is sometimes used loosely. If using for rodents, please use tuberal nucleus (sensu Rodentia) instead. If refering to the nucleus lateralis tuberis of fish, please use nucleus lateralis tuberis system (sensu Teleostei)

has related synonym

nuclei tuberales laterales, nucleus tuberis, nucleus tuberis lateralis, nucleus tuberis hypothalami




Lateral tuberal nucleus