distal tarsal bone 1
Endochondral tarsal bone articulating with centralia and metatarsal 1. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_cuneiform_bone VSAO:0005052 ]
Synonyms: cuneiforme 1, tarsal 1, medial cuneiform, distal tarsal 1 bone, os tarsale I, first cuneiform, first cuneiform bone, entocuneiforme, medial cuneiform bone, os cuneiforme mediale
Term info
- FMA:24518
- UMLS:C1512869 (ncithesaurus:Internal_Cuneiform_Bone_of_the_Foot)
- SCTID:182116007
- Wikipedia:Medial_cuneiform_bone
- NCIT:C32840
- AAO:0000918
- EMAPA:36176
- http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/images/450x218xEctocuneiform.gif.pagespeed.ic.kaiuLYQELL.png
- galen:MedialCuneiform
- VSAO:0005052
- MA:0001352
- BTO:0002360
Small element that articulates with the prehallux, metatarsal I and element Y. It may be fused to tarsal 2.[AAO]
os cuneiforme primum, ossa cuneiforme mediale, foot distal carpal bone 1, distal tarsal 1, os cuneiform primum, 1st cuneiform, os cuneiforme mediale
distal tarsal bone 1, Medial cuneiform bone