distal tarsal bone 2
Endochondral tarsal bone articulating with centralia and metatarsal 2. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate_cuneiform_bone VSAO:0005053 ]
Synonyms: os tarsale II, cuneiforme 2, second cuneiform bone, tarsal 2, mesocuneiforme, middle cuneiform bone of foot, distal tarsal 2 bone, middle cuneiform, second cuneiform bone of foot, intermediate cuneiform, os cuneiforme intermedium
Term info
- FMA:24519
- UMLS:C1513292 (ncithesaurus:Middle_Cuneiform_Bone_of_the_Foot)
- AAO:0000919
- EMAPA:36177
- MA:0001353
- galen:IntermediateCuneiform
- VSAO:0005053
- BTO:0002359
- SCTID:179512006
- NCIT:C33116
- Wikipedia:Intermediate_cuneiform_bone
Small element that articulates anteriorly with metatarsal II. It may be fused to tarsal 1 or to tarsal 3.[AAO]
The intermediate cuneiform (also known as second cuneiform / middle cuneiform) is shaped like a wedge, the thin end pointing downwards. It is situated between the other two cuneiforms (the medial and lateral cuneiforms), and articulates with the navicular posteriorly, the second metatarsal anteriorly and with the other cuneiforms on either side. [WP,unvetted]
os cuneiforme secundum, distal tarsal 2, 2nd cuneiform, foot distal carpal bone 2, os cuneiforme intermedium, intermediate cuneiform bone
Intermediate cuneiform bone