cuboid bone
A tarsal bone that is formed from distal tarsals 4 and 5. [WP,modified]. [ ]
Synonyms: cuboid
Term info
- Wikipedia:Cuboid_bone
- UMLS:C0376381 (ncithesaurus:Cuboid_Bone)
- EMAPA:36175
- MA:0001355
- NCIT:C32414
- galen:Cuboid
- SCTID:182101009
- FMA:24527
- BTO:0002357
NominaAnatomicaVeterinaria uses os cuboideum as an official synonym for distal tarsal IV, but some sources also use this as the label for the human cuboid bone which is regarded to be formed from tarsals IV and V. We therefore decline to use exact syns in either case.
cuboideum, foot distal tarsal bone 4 and 5, os tarsale IV et V, os cuboideum, distal tarsal bones 4 and 5
Cuboid bone
Term relations
- distal tarsal bone and derived from ancestral fusion of some distal tarsal bone 4 and derived from ancestral fusion of some distal tarsal bone 5