A muscle of shoulder which attaches to the scapula, clavicle and humerus.[FMA,generalized]. [ FMA:32521 ]
Synonyms: deltoid muscle, musculus deltoideus, m. deltoideus
Term info
- EFO:0001412
- AAO:0010716
- EHDAA2:0000339
- FMA:32521
- MA:0002286
- SCTID:181620007
- VHOG:0000846
- Wikipedia:Deltoid_muscle
- NCIT:C32446
- UMLS:C0224234 (ncithesaurus:Deltoid)
- EMAPA:18177
uberon_slim, efo_slim, pheno_slim
Muscle which originates as three heads, the pars externalis, pars clavicularis, and pars scapularis. The pars externalis originates from the lateral border of the omosternum and inserts on the distal portion of the humerus. The pars clavicularis originates from the ventro-lateral surface of the clavicle and inserts on the deltoid crest of the humerus. The pars scapularis originates from the lateral surface of the clavicle and inserts on the deltoid crest of the humerus.[AAO]
We use a generic definition that includes the deltoideus as represented in AAO: 'Muscle which originates as three heads, the pars externalis, pars clavicularis, and pars scapularis. The pars externalis originates from the lateral border of the omosternum and inserts on the distal portion of the humerus. The pars clavicularis originates from the ventro-lateral surface of the clavicle and inserts on the deltoid crest of the humerus. The pars scapularis originates from the lateral surface of the clavicle and inserts on the deltoid crest of the humerus'. Kardong: Dorsal group
deltoideus muscle, deltoideus, musculus deltoideus, common shoulder muscle
Term relations
- skeletal muscle organ and attached to some humerus and attached to some clavicle bone and attached to some scapula
- scapular muscle
- muscle of shoulder
- mesoderm-derived structure
- has muscle origin some clavicle bone
- has muscle origin some acromion
- has muscle antagonist some latissimus dorsi muscle
- innervated_by some axillary nerve
- has muscle insertion some deltopectoral crest
- part of some pectoral girdle and thoracic body wall skeletal muscle
- attached to some deltopectoral crest
- attached to some humerus
- attached to some clavicle bone
- develops from some deltoid pre-muscle mass
- has muscle origin some scapula