flexor carpi radialis muscle
A muscle of the forearm that acts to flex and abduct the manus. [WP,unvetted]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_carpi_radialis_muscle ]
Synonyms: flexor carpi radialis
Term info
- Wikipedia:Flexor_carpi_radialis_muscle
- SCTID:361816002
- MA:0002297
- UMLS:C0224252 (ncithesaurus:Flexor_Carpi_Radialis)
- AAO:0010733
- NCIT:C53155
- FMA:38459
- EMAPA:36197
Muscle which originates on the inner border of the humerus and inserts on the carpus.[AAO]
we group the AAO class here, despite the different insertion site - requires vetting: Muscle which originates on the inner border of the humerus and inserts on the carpus. [AAO:0010733]
Flexor carpi radialis