hilus of dentate gyrus
Layer of the dentate gyrus lying deep to the granule cell layer, within the opening of the C or V formed by the granule cell layer characterized by loosely packed polymorphic cells. [ BIRNLEX:1482 ]
Synonyms: dentate gyrus hilus, field CA4 of hippocampal formation
Term info
- UMLS:C1134421 (BIRNLEX:1482)
- EMAPA:35277
- FMA:72358
- BAMS:hdg
- BAMS:Hil
- MA:0000947
- BIRNLEX:1482
- neuronames:181 (BIRNLEX:1482)
Merge with CA4?
polymorphic later of dentate gyrus, hilus of the dentate gyrus, hilus gyri dentati, multiform layer of dentate gyrus, CA4, region CA4
Hilus of dentate gyrus