cerebral hemisphere white matter

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002437

White matter that is part of a cerebral hemisphere. [ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 ]

Synonyms: cerebral white matter, cerebral hemisphere white matter, white matter structure of cerebral hemisphere

Term info

database cross reference
  • EMAPA:35237
  • UMLS:C1284115 (BIRNLEX:711)
  • neuronames:189 (BIRNLEX:711)
  • UMLS:C0152295 (ncithesaurus:Cerebral_White_Matter)
  • BIRNLEX:711
  • FMA:61822
  • NCIT:C49347
  • FMA:241998
  • UMLS:C0152295 (BIRNLEX:711)
  • MA:0000945
  • BTO:0000236
  • BAMS:cw
  • CALOHA:TS-2362
  • SCTID:361691006
  • FMA:256174


UBPROP 0000012

The BTO class is inconsistent as it is part of the brain and spinal cord.

curator note

sometimes the term 'cerebral white matter' may be used generically but here is refers specifically to the white matter in a hemisphere

has related synonym

region of cerebral white matter, hemisphere white matter, substantia medullaris cerebri




Cerebral white matter, White matter structure of cerebral hemisphere, Region of cerebral white matter