preoccipital notch

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002698

Small indentation on the inferior surface of the cerebral cortex at the border of the occiptal and parietal lobes. It is considered as a landmark because the occipital lobe is located just behind the line that connects that notch with the parietoccipital sulcus (adapted from Wikipedia). [ BIRNLEX:1436 ]

Synonyms: incisura preoccipitalis, occipital notch, incisura parieto-occipitalis, preoccipital incisura, preoccipital incisure, incisura praeoccipitalis

Term info

database cross reference
  • HBA:9387
  • neuronames:54 (BIRNLEX:1436)
  • BAMS:pon
  • Wikipedia:Preoccipital_notch
  • DHBA:10645
  • BIRNLEX:1436
  • UMLS:C0228192 (BIRNLEX:1436)
  • SCTID:369229005
  • FMA:83739



Preoccipital notch

Term relations