hippocampal sulcus
The hippocampal sulcus, also known as the hippocampal fissure, is a sulcus that separates the dentate gyrus from the subiculum and the CA1 field in the hippocampus. [WP,unvetted]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocampal_sulcus ]
Synonyms: hippocampal fissure, sulcus hippocampi, dentate fissure
Term info
- UMLS:C0228251 (ncithesaurus:Hippocampal_Fissure)
- Wikipedia:Hippocampal_sulcus
- DHBA:10619
- neuronames:42 (BIRNLEX:4004)
- MBA:1063
- NCIT:C32743
- HBA:9394
- UMLS:C0228251 (BIRNLEX:4004)
- BIRNLEX:4004
- FMA:83747
- BAMS:his
- SCTID:369101000
- EMAPA:36471
- BAMS:hf
two classes in ncit (in general ncit distinguishes between fissure and sulcus, whereas FMA treats these as exact synonyms)
hippocampal fissure (Gratiolet), sulcus hippocampalis, sulcus hippocampi
Hippocampal sulcus
Term relations
- subarachnoid sulcus and adjacent_to some dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation and adjacent_to some subiculum and adjacent_to some CA1 field of hippocampus
- subarachnoid sulcus
- adjacent_to some dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation
- adjacent_to some CA1 field of hippocampus
- adjacent_to some subiculum