molecular layer of cerebellar cortex
The molecular layer is the outermost layer of the cerebellar cortex. It contains the parallel fibers of the granule cells, interneurons such as stellate and basket cells, and the dendrites of the underlying Purkinje cells. [ ]
Synonyms: cerebellum molecular layer, stratum moleculare corticis cerebelli, cerebellar molecular layer, cerebellum molecular cell layer
Term info
- neuronames:366 (BIRNLEX:810)
- CALOHA:TS-1248
- NCIT:C49139
- UMLS:C1709064 (ncithesaurus:Molecular_Layer_of_the_Cerebellum)
- FMA:83897
- MBA:1144
- SCTID:369045002
- BAMS:thf
- MA:0000996
- UMLS:C0228469 (BIRNLEX:810)
- UMLS:C1289474 (BIRNLEX:810)
- EMAPA:35221
Compare with ZFA:0000636 - cerebellar crest, which is also composed of parallel fibers but located in a more restricted nucleus within the cerebellum
revisit logical definition after using brain layer patterns
thalamic fiber tracts, fasciculi thalami
Molecular layer of cerebellar cortex, molecular layer of cerebellar cortex
Term relations
- cerebellar layer
- has part some basket cell
- has part some stellate neuron
- in superficial part of some cerebellar cortex