midbrain-hindbrain boundary
The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain and that is the location of an organizing center which patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate. [ http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/GO:0021555 ]
Synonyms: mid-hindbrain junction, MHB, midbrain hindbrain boundary, mid-hindbrain boundary
Term info
- EHDAA2:0004395
- NCIT:C93172
- EMAPA:32857
- ZFA:0000042
- TAO:0000042
- VHOG:0000649
- DMBA:16810
- XAO:0000016
- EHDAA:5789
- AAO:0011064
- neuronames:2076
uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core
Lampreys also have an MHB [midbrain hindbrain boundary], expressing a similar repertoire of regulatory gene cognates as in gnathostomes.[well established][VHOG]
consider adding class for organizer. Consider adding separate class for isthmus as a structure
isthmus, isthmus/MHB, isthmic organizer territory, isthmo-cerebellar region
Term relations
- ectoderm-derived structure
- anatomical junction
- immediate transformation of some midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
- part of some brain
- develops from some midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate
- overlaps some hindbrain
- overlaps some midbrain