Meckel's diverticulum
A small bulge in the small intestine present at birth. It is a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct. ['s_diverticulum ]
Synonyms: diverticulum of Meckel, Meckel's diverticulum, ileal diverticulum
Term info
- Wikipedia:Meckel's_diverticulum
- MESH:D008467
- GAID:317
- FMA:14967
- ncithesaurus:Meckel_Diverticulum
- galen:MeckelsDiverticulum
finding in ncit; GALT in chickens
Meckels diverticulum, meckel diverticulum
Ileal diverticulum
Term relations
- anatomical entity
- remnant of embryonic structure
- part of some ileum
- develops from some vitelline duct