hippocampus stratum oriens
Layer that is part of the CA fields of the hippocampus consisting of a narrow relatively cell free layer located deep to the pyramidal cell layer extending through areas CA1, CA2 and CA3. (adapted from Paxinos The rat central nervous system, 2nd ed, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995). [ BIRNLEX:4113 ]
Synonyms: stratum oriens hippocampi, stratum oriens, oriens layer of hippocampus, polymorphic layer of the hippocampus, polymorphic layer of hippocampus, oriens layer of the hippocampus
Term info
- MA:0000958
- BIRNLEX:4113
- EMAPA:35412
- FMA:83893
- neuronames:157 (BIRNLEX:4113)
gyrus cuneus
Oriens layer of hippocampus, hippocampus stratum oriens
Term relations
- layer of hippocampus and immediately deep to some hippocampus pyramidal layer and immediately superficial to some hippocampus alveus