Term info
database cross reference
- EFO:0003469
- TAO:0001384
- VHOG:0001260
- ZFA:0001384
UBPROP 0000001
Fin bud that develops into the pelvic fin.[TAO]
UBPROP 0000003
Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG]
at this time we have no need to name a more specific 'pelvic fin bud' class, but we may in future
has related synonym
pelvic fin buds, pelvic fin bud
has obo namespace
never in taxon
Term relations
Equivalent to:
- paired limb/fin bud and part of some posterior region of body and has potential to develop into some pelvic appendage
Subclass of:
- paired limb/fin bud
- has potential to develop into some pelvic appendage
- in taxon some (not Takifugu rubripes)
- has developmental contribution from some pelvic appendage field
- part of some posterior region of body