Brodmann (1909) area 35

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0006102

Brodmann area 35, together with Brodmann area 36, is most frequently referred to as perirhinal cortex. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brodmann_area_35 ]

Synonyms: Brodmann (1909) area 35, Brodmann's area 35, perirhinal area 35, area perirhinalis, B09-35, area 35 of Brodmann, area 35 of Brodmann-1909, Brodmann area 35, perirhinal, BA35, Brodmann area 35

Term info

database cross reference
UBPROP 0000008

Brodmann found a cytoarchitecturally homologous area in the monkey (Cercopithecus), but it was so weakly developed that he omitted it from the cortical map of that species (Brodmann-1909).




Brodmann area 35

Term relations