tegmen tympani

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0006837

The Tegmental Wall or Roof (paries tegmentalis) is formed by a thin plate of bone, the tegmen tympani, which separates the cranial and tympanic cavities. It is situated on the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone close to its angle of junction with the squama temporalis; it is prolonged backward so as to roof in the tympanic antrum, and forward to cover in the semicanal for the Tensor tympani muscle. Its lateral edge corresponds with the remains of the petrosquamous suture[Grays] . [ http://education.yahoo.com/reference/gray/subjects/subject/230 ]

Synonyms: paries tegmentalis cavi tympani, tegmental roof of tympanic cavity, tegmental wall of tympanic cavity

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editor note

TODO - check AAO; grouping is made on basis of related synonym. Crista parotica: seems to be the same as the crista prootica. However, since this lateral ridge of the otic capsule is frequently formed by the opisthotic, rather than the prootic, this may be a better name.; Crista prootica: a ledge or ridge which elaborates the dorsal surface of the prootic or, more generally, the roof of the otic capsule, laterally. The crista may extend posteriorly & laterally, continuous with the paroccipital process, and/or anteriorly or anteroventrally to protect cranial nerve foramina and form part of the fenestra ovalis/vestibuli. In basal tetrapodomorphs and tetrapods, the crista prootica forms the floor of the posttemporal fenestra. See The Prootic. In many tetrapods, the crista prootica is not ossified, or incompletely ossified. However, in frogs, the crista is the main strut joining the skull roofing bones (frontoparietals) with the squamosals. The crista prootica has a similarly expanded role in mammals where it forms an important part of the epitympanic recess and anchors the tympanohyal.

has related synonym

processus squamosus, processus muscularis capsulae auditivae, crista prootica, crista parotica




tegmen tympani, Tegmen tympani

Term relations