diaphysis of femur
A diaphysis that is part of a femur[Automatically generated definition]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_of_femur OBOL:automatic ]
Synonyms: femoral shaft, femoral diaphysis, shaft of femur, corpus femoris, body of femur
Term info
- FMA:32847
- Wikipedia:Body_of_femur
- NCIT:C96209
- EMAPA:37538 (MA:th)
- MA:0003055
- SCTID:182048009
The body of the femur (or shaft), almost cylindrical in form, is a little broader above than in the center, broadest and somewhat flattened from before backward below. It is slightly arched, so as to be convex in front, and concave behind, where it is strengthened by a prominent longitudinal ridge, the linea aspera. It presents for examination three borders, separating three surfaces. Of the borders, one, the linea aspera, is posterior, one is medial, and the other, lateral[Wikipedia:Body_of_femur].
diaphysis of femur, Diaphysis of femur