stomach smooth muscle inner oblique layer

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0008862

The innermost layer of the muscularis; it is not present in all sections of the stomach but is clearly seen in the fundus and near the lesser curvature of the corpus; the oblique fibers disappear distally (towards the pyloric antrum); the oblique layer is responsible for creating the motion that churns and physically breaks down the food. [ MP:0010804 ]

Synonyms: oblique muscle layer of stomach, inner oblique muscle layer of stomach, oblique fiber layer of gastric muscularis

Term info



UBPROP 0000009

This layer is responsible for creating the motion that churns and physically breaks down the food. It is the only layer of the three which is not seen in other parts of the digestive system. The antrum has thicker skin cells in its walls and performs more forceful contractions than the fundus

UBPROP 0000012

FMA and MP disagree as to whether the oblique layer is middle or innermost. WP seems to agree that the oblique is inner


The only layer of the three which is not seen in other parts of the digestive system[WP].




Oblique muscle layer of stomach