hyoid apparatus

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0010272

A group of bones comprised of hyoid body and two pairs of cornua (i.e. greater cornua and lesser cornua), and lies just below the tongue, above the thyroid cartilage. [ http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Hyoid_apparatus ]

Term info

UBPROP 0000001

Apparatus located in the floor of the mouth, under the mandibular arcade. The apparatus consists of a central corpus and four pairs of processes. This apparatus serves as the site of insertion for a variety of muscles associated with movements of the tongue and as the origin of the m. hyoglossus.[AAO]

UBPROP 0000002

relationship loss: part_of hyolaryngeal complex (AAO:0000226)[AAO]

UBPROP 0000008

In most mammals, including humans, the hyoid apparatus is shaped like a horseshoe. However, in humans, some of the bones of the hyoid apparatus are fused into a single bone called os hyoideum. In other animals such as frogs, the hyoid apparatus has a hyoid body that is chiefly comprised of hyaline cartilage and two pairs of processes (i.e. alary process and the posteriolateral process).

has related synonym

hyobranchial apparatus, hyolingual system, apparatus hyoideus, apparatus hyobranchialis

