hyomandibular cartilage
Cartilage form of the hyomandibular element. [ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 ]
Synonyms: hyosymplectic cartilage, symplectic cartilage
Term info
- ZFA:0001422
- EFO:0003686
- VHOG:0000688
- TAO:0001422
Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is bilaterally paired and articulates with the chondrocranium dorsally, the opercle bone posteriorly, and the palatoquadrate cartilage anteriorly.[TAO]
This structure (the hyomandibular), on ontogenic grounds alone, can be considered homologous with the amphibian and reptilian columella and the mammalian stapes.[well established][VHOG]
The stapes is homologous to the hyomandibula. In this ontology, we use the class 'hyomandibular cartilage' generally to include the future stapes, the future hyomandibular bone of teleosts and the unossified cartilage in sharks.