suspensory ligament of breast

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0012103

Cooper's ligaments (also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper and the fibrocollagenous septa) are connective tissue in the breast that helps maintain structural integrity. Transmission diffraction tomography can reveal the anatomy. Cooper's Suspensory Ligament should not be confused with the pectineal ligament (sometimes called the inguinal ligament of Cooper) which shares the same eponym. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper%27s_ligaments ]

Synonyms: suspensory retinaculum of breast, suspensory ligament of cooper, retinaculum cutis mammae

Term info


Connects skin of mammary gland with deep fascia

has related synonym

suspensory ligaments of the breast, suspensory ligaments of breast, suspensory ligament of the breast, Cooper's ligament, ligament of Cooper




suspensory ligament of breast, Suspensory ligament of breast