All terms in HCAO

Label Id Description
myoepithelial cell CL_0000185 [Contractile cells resembling smooth muscle cells that are present in glands, notably the mammary gland, and aid in secretion. This cell has long weaving dendritic processes containing myofilament.]
capsule of parathyroid gland UBERON_0001748 [The dense and irregular connective tissue capsule surrounding a parathyroid gland.]
capsule UBERON_0003893 [A cover or envelope partly or wholly surrounding a structure. Examples: egg shell, articular capsules, renal capsules[WP].]
parathyroid gland UBERON_0001132 [The parathyroid gland is an endocrine gland for secretion of parathyroid hormone, usually found as a pair, embedded in the connective tissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. Parathyroid regulates calcium and phosphorous metabolism.]
dense irregular connective tissue UBERON_0011822 [Irregular connective tissue is an irregular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which contains a dense irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: connective tissue of peritoneum, connective tissue of fibrous pericardium.]
subdural space UBERON_0000416 [A narrow fluid-containing space, often only a potential space, between the dura mater and the arachnoid.]
arachnoid mater UBERON_0002362 [A think avascular meningeal layer, between the pia mater and the dural mater. It is separated from the pia mater by the subarachnoid space.]
dura mater UBERON_0002363 [Thick, fibrous meningeal covering surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It is the outermost of the three meningeal coverings. It consists of two layers: the periosteal dura linking the inner surface of the skull and the meningeal dura that lies above the arachnoid dural membrane. The meningeal layer draws away from the periosteal layer and certain locations to form the dural reflections.]
meningeal cluster UBERON_0010743 [The collection of all meningeal layers that line a central nervous system.]
artery wall UBERON_0000415 [An anatomical wall that is part of an artery [Automatically generated definition].]
wall of blood vessel UBERON_0035965
artery UBERON_0001637 [An epithelial tube or tree of tibes that transports blood away from the heart[modified from AEO definition].]
parenchyma of parathyroid gland UBERON_0001749 [A parenchyma that is part of a parathyroid gland [Automatically generated definition].]
parenchyma UBERON_0000353 [Functional part of an organ in the body. This is in contrast to the stroma, which refers to the structural tissue of organs, being exactly, connective tissues.]
oxyphil cell of parathyroid gland CL_0002199 [An oncocyte located in the parathyroid gland.]
chief cell of parathyroid gland CL_0000446 [An epithelial cell of the parathyroid gland that is arranged in wide, irregular interconnecting columns; responsible for the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone.]
mucous gland UBERON_0000414 [A gland in which the principal secretory cells are mucus secreting cells.]
mucus secreting cell CL_0000319
mucus secretion GO_0070254 [The regulated release of mucus by the mucosa. Mucus is a viscous slimy secretion consisting of mucins and various inorganic salts dissolved in water, with suspended epithelial cells and leukocytes. The mucosa, or mucous membrane, is the membrane covered with epithelium that lines the tubular organs of the body. Mucins are carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins that have a lubricating and protective function.]
mucus UBERON_0000912 [Mucus is a bodily fluid consisting of a slippery secretion of the lining of the mucous membranes in the body. It is a viscous colloid containing antiseptic enzymes (such as lysozyme) and immunoglobulins. Mucus is produced by goblet cells in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of the membranes. It is made up of mucins and inorganic salts suspended in water.]