All terms in HCAO

Label Id Description
nasal septum UBERON_0001706 [The nasal septum separates the left and right airways in the nose, dividing the two nostrils. It is depressed by the Depressor septi nasi muscle. [WP,unvetted].]
septum UBERON_0003037 [A wall, dividing a cavity or structure into smaller ones[WP].]
intermaxillary process UBERON_0009714 [The primordial mass of tissue formed by the merging of the medial nasal prominences of the embryo; it contributes to the intermaxillary portion of the upper jaw, the prolabial portion of the upper lip, and the primary palate.]
nose UBERON_0000004 [The olfactory organ of vertebrates, consisting of nares, olfactory epithelia and the structures and skeletal framework of the nasal cavity.]
nasal skeleton UBERON_0006813 [Structural framework that provides support to the nasal sacs and ducts.]
ethmoid region UBERON_0011241 [The most anterior region of the braincase. Provides structural support for peripheral olfactory organ.]
olfactory pit UBERON_0005870 [An indentation of the olfactory placode which ends when the pits hollows out to form the nasopharynx[GO].]
olfactory apparatus chamber UBERON_0015788 [An anatomical chamber that is part of the olfactory apparatus, consisting of cavity walls (nasal epithelium and mucosal layers) and the space bounded anteriorly by the nares and posteriorly by the choanae, when these structures are present.]
regulation of postsynapse assembly GO_0150052 [Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of postsynapse assembly, the aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a postsynapse.]
regulation of synapse assembly GO_0051963 [Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of synapse assembly, the aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a synapse.]
regulation of postsynapse organization GO_0099175 [Any process that modulates the physical form of a postsynapse.]
postsynapse assembly GO_0099068 [The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a postsynapse.]
geniculate ganglion UBERON_0001700 [The group of sensory neuron cell bodies associated with the facial nerve (seventh cranial nerve).]
epibranchial ganglion UBERON_0009127 [Cranial ganglion which develops from an epibranchial placode.]
sensory ganglion UBERON_0001800 [The clusters of neurons in the somatic peripheral nervous system which contain the cell bodies of sensory nerve axons, interneurons and non-neuronal supporting cells.]
facial nerve UBERON_0001647 [Cranial nerve that branches into the supraorbital (supplying the skin of the eye region and the lateral line organs here), the palatine (to the roof of the buccal cavity), and the hyomandibular (dividing into the jugular and mental branches).]
mesenchyme from rhombencephalic neural crest UBERON_0010258 [Mesenchyme that develops_from a rhombencephalon neural crest.]
geniculate placode UBERON_0009124 [Rostralmost epibranchial placode. Associated with 1st branchial cleft.]
acoustico-facial VII-VIII ganglion complex UBERON_0012175
glossopharyngeal ganglion UBERON_0001701 [The group of neuron cell bodies associated with the ninth cranial nerve.]