Ectopia lentis

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0001083

Dislocation or malposition of the crystalline lens of the eye. A partial displacement (or dislocation) of the lens is described as a subluxation of the lens, while a complete displacement is termed luxation of the lens. A complete displacement occurs if the lens is completely outside the patellar fossa of the lens, either in the anterior chamber, in the vitreous, or directly on the retina. If the lens is partially displaced but still contained within the lens space, then it is termed subluxation. [ HPO:probinson ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • MSH:D004479
  • UMLS:C0013581
  • MSH:D007906
  • SNOMEDCT_US:74969002
  • UMLS:C0023309



Dislocation or malposition of the crystalline lens of the eye. A partial displacement (or dislocation) of the lens is described as a subluxation of the lens, while a complete displacement is termed luxation of the lens. A complete displacement occurs if the lens is completely outside the patellar fossa of the lens, either in the anterior chamber, in the vitreous, or directly on the retina. If the lens is partially displaced but still contained within the lens space, then it is termed subluxation.

has alternative id

HP:0007637, HP:0007882, HP:0008016, HP:0000665

has exact synonym

Abnormality of lens position, Lens dislocation



Term relations