All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Dense calcifications in the cerebellar dentate nucleus | HP_0002461 | |
Abnormal dentate nucleus morphology | HP_0100321 | |
Cerebellar calcifications | HP_0007352 | |
Neck flexor weakness | HP_0003722 | |
Neck muscle weakness | HP_0000467 | |
Shoulder girdle muscle atrophy | HP_0003724 | |
Generalized muscle hypertrophy | HP_0003720 | |
Enteroviral dermatomyositis syndrome | HP_0003729 | |
Recurrent enteroviral infections | HP_0002743 | |
Firm muscles | HP_0003725 | |
Thigh hypertrophy | HP_0003733 | |
Muscle hypertrophy of the lower extremities | HP_0008968 | |
Stroke-like episode | HP_0002401 | |
Thickened superior cerebellar peduncle | HP_0002404 | |
Abnormal superior cerebellar peduncle morphology | HP_0011932 | |
Positive Romberg sign | HP_0002403 | |
Impaired proprioception | HP_0010831 | |
Quadriceps muscle weakness | HP_0003731 | |
Proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs | HP_0008994 | |
EMG: myotonic runs | HP_0003730 |