All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Humeral sclerosis | HP_0003881 | |
Increased density of long bones | HP_0006392 | |
Sclerotic foci of the humerus | HP_0003880 | |
Large humeral epiphyses | HP_0003898 | |
Intestinal malrotation | HP_0002566 | |
Abnormal epiphyseal ossification | HP_0010656 | |
Round humeral epiphyses | HP_0003899 | |
Round epiphyses of the upper limbs | HP_0003843 | |
Slender finger | HP_0001238 | |
Abnormality of finger | HP_0001167 | |
Abnormal fingernail morphology | HP_0001231 | |
Constrictive pericarditis | HP_0002563 | |
Pericarditis | HP_0001701 | |
Delayed humeral epiphyseal ossification | HP_0003894 | |
Low-set nipples | HP_0002562 | |
Advanced ossification of the humeral epiphysis | HP_0003893 | |
Nail bed telangiectasia | HP_0001232 | |
Irregular humeral epiphyses | HP_0003896 | |
2-3 finger syndactyly | HP_0001233 | |
Finger syndactyly | HP_0006101 |