cerebellar ataxia
A neurological syndrome characterised by clumsy and uncoordinated movement of the limbs, trunk, and cranial muscles. It results from pathology in the cerebellum and its connections, or in the proprioceptive sensory pathways. [ https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/1097 ]
Term info
- ICD9:334.3 (MONDO:relatedTo)
- SCTID:85102008 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- UMLS:C0087012 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- NCIT:C82341 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- Orphanet:102002 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- DOID:0050753 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- GARD:0012060 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- MESH:D002524 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
disease_grouping, ordo_group_of_disorders
In ORDO this is called rare ataxia, we rename as ataxia since all forms are individually rare
A neurological syndrome characterised by clumsy and uncoordinated movement of the limbs, trunk, and cranial muscles. It results from pathology in the cerebellum and its connections, or in the proprioceptive sensory pathways.
http://linkedlifedata.com/resource/umls/id/C0087012, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0050753, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/Orphanet_102002, http://identifiers.org/snomedct/85102008, http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C82341, http://identifiers.org/mesh/D002524
ataxia syndrome, spinocerebellar Degeneration
spinocerebellar ataxia
ataxia, ataxias, cerebellar, ataxia, cerebellar, cerebellar Ataxias, rare ataxia, cerebellar Dysmetrias, cerebellar dysmetria