neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA, formerly Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome) encompasses a group of rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive extrapyramidal dysfunction (dystonia, rigidity, choreoathetosis), iron accumulation in the brain and the presence of axonal spheroids, usually limited to the central nervous system. [ Orphanet:385 ]
Term info
- MESH:C538421 (Orphanet:385/e)
- GARD:0011899 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- DOID:0110734 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- OMIMPS:234200 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- Orphanet:385 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
disease_grouping, ordo_group_of_disorders
Editor note: check relationship to PKAN
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA, formerly Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome) encompasses a group of rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive extrapyramidal dysfunction (dystonia, rigidity, choreoathetosis), iron accumulation in the brain and the presence of axonal spheroids, usually limited to the central nervous system.,,,
neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, NBIA