All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Number of iterations data_1693 [Number of iterations of an algorithm.]
Person name data_1692 [The name of a person.]
Person identifier data_2118 [An identifier of a software end-user (typically a person).]
Drug report data_1696 [A human-readable collection of information about a specific drug.]
Small molecule report data_0962 [A human-readable collection of information about a specific chemical compound.]
Small molecules topic_0154 [Small molecules of biological significance, typically archival, curation, processing and analysis of structural information.]
dbGaP format format_3729 [Input format used by the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP).]
idXML format_3764 [XML file format for files containing information about peptide identifications from mass spectrometry data analysis carried out with OpenMS.]
KNIME datatable format format_3765 [Data table formatted such that it can be passed/streamed within the KNIME platform.]
Workflow format format_2032 [Format of a workflow.]
DSV format_3751 [Tabular data represented as values in a text file delimited by some character.]
Format format_1915 [A defined way or layout of representing and structuring data in a computer file, blob, string, message, or elsewhere.]
CSV format_3752 [Tabular data represented as comma-separated values in a text file.]
SEQUEST .out file format_3758 ["Raw" result file from SEQUEST database search.]
RNAi report data_3427 [RNAi experiments.]
Simulation experiment report data_3428 [biological computational model experiments (simulation), for example the minimum information required in order to permit its correct interpretation and reproduction.]
Raw image data_3424 [Raw biological or biomedical image generated by some experimental technique.]
Carbohydrate property data_3425 [Data concerning the intrinsic physical (e.g. structural) or chemical properties of one, more or all carbohydrates.]
Proteomics experiment report data_3426 [Report concerning proteomics experiments.]
Genetic engineering topic_3912 [The application of biotechnology to directly manipulate an organism's genes.]