All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Biotechnology topic_3297 [The exploitation of biological process, structure and function for industrial purposes, for example the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the antibody production.]
Genetics topic_3053 [The study of genes, genetic variation and heredity in living organisms.]
Proteogenomics topic_3922 [A field of biological research focused on the discovery and identification of peptides, typically by comparing mass spectra against a protein database.]
Ordered locus name data_2009 [A name for a genetic locus conforming to a scheme that names loci (such as predicted genes) depending on their position in a molecular sequence, for example a completely sequenced genome or chromosome.]
UniProt keyword data_2007 [A word or phrase that can appear in the keywords field (KW line) of entries from the UniProt database.]
Keyword data_0968 [Keyword(s) or phrase(s) used (typically) for text-searching purposes.]
Immunogenetics topic_3930 [A biomedical field that bridges immunology and genetics, to study the genetic basis of the immune system.]
Immunology topic_0804 [The application of information technology to immunology such as immunological processes, immunological genes, proteins and peptide ligands, antigens and so on.]
Cytometry topic_3934 [Cytometry is the measurement of the characteristics of cells.]
Chromosome conformation capture topic_3940 [Molecular biology methods used to analyze the spatial organization of chromatin in a cell.]
Map data data_2019 [Data describing a molecular map (genetic or physical) or a set of such maps, including various attributes of, data extracted from or derived from the analysis of them, but exluding the map(s) themselves. This includes metadata for map sets that share a common set of features which are mapped.]
Mapping topic_0102 [The mapping of complete (typically nucleotide) sequences. Mapping (in the sense of short read alignment, or more generally, just alignment) has application in RNA-Seq analysis (mapping of transcriptomics reads), variant discovery (e.g. mapping of exome capture), and re-sequencing (mapping of WGS reads).]
Amino acid property data_2016 [Data concerning the intrinsic physical (e.g. structural) or chemical properties of one, more or all amino acids.]
Annotation data_2018 [A human-readable collection of information which (typically) is generated or collated by hand and which describes a biological entity, phenomena or associated primary (e.g. sequence or structural) data, as distinct from the primary data itself and computer-generated reports derived from it.]
Sequence coordinates data_2012 [A position in a map (for example a genetic map), either a single position (point) or a region / interval.]
Sequence range data_1017 [Specification of range(s) of sequence positions.]
Sequence position data_1016 [A position of one or more points (base or residue) in a sequence, or part of such a specification.]
Ontology format format_2195 [Format used for ontologies.]
Cladistics topic_3944 [The biological classification of organisms by categorizing them in groups ("clades") based on their most recent common ancestor.]
Paleogenomics topic_3943 [The reconstruction and analysis of genomic information in extinct species.]