All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Metatranscriptomics topic_3941 [The study of microbe gene expression within natural environments (i.e. the metatranscriptome).]
Gene expression topic_0203 [The analysis of levels and patterns of synthesis of gene products (proteins and functional RNA) including interpretation in functional terms of gene expression data.]
Transcriptomics topic_3308 [The analysis of transcriptomes, or a set of all the RNA molecules in a specific cell, tissue etc.]
Immunoinformatics topic_3948 [Immunoinformatics is the field of computational biology that deals with the study of immunoloogical questions. Immunoinformatics is at the interface between immunology and computer science. It takes advantage of computational, statistical, mathematical approaches and enhances the understanding of immunological knowledge.]
Molecular evolution topic_3945 [The study of the process and mechanism of change of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins across generations.]
Genotype and phenotype topic_0625 [The study of genetic constitution of a living entity, such as an individual, and organism, a cell and so on, typically with respect to a particular observable phenotypic traits, or resources concerning such traits, which might be an aspect of biochemistry, physiology, morphology, anatomy, development and so on.]
Hanes Woolf plot data_2026 [A plot based on the Michaelis Menten equation of enzyme kinetics plotting the ratio of the initial substrate concentration (S) against the reaction velocity (v).]
Enzyme kinetics data data_2024 [Data concerning chemical reaction(s) catalysed by enzyme(s).]
Format identifier data_3358 [An identifier of a data format.]
Identifier (by type of data) data_0976 [An identifier that identifies a particular type of data.]
Experimental data data_2028 [Raw data from or annotation on laboratory experiments.]
Vienna RNA structural data data_2022 [Data used by the Vienna RNA analysis package.]
Sequence mask parameter data_2023 [Data used to replace (mask) characters in a molecular sequence.]
Transition matrix data_3354 [A HMM transition matrix contains the probabilities of switching from one HMM state to another.]
Matrix data_2082 [An array of numerical values.]
Emission matrix data_3355 [A HMM emission matrix holds the probabilities of choosing the four nucleotides (A, C, G and T) in each of the states of a HMM.]
Michaelis Menten plot data_2025 [A plot giving an approximation of the kinetics of an enzyme-catalysed reaction, assuming simple kinetics (i.e. no intermediate or product inhibition, allostericity or cooperativity). It plots initial reaction rate to the substrate concentration (S) from which the maximum rate (vmax) is apparent.]
Hidden Markov model data_3356 [A statistical Markov model of a system which is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states.]
PS format_3696 [PostScript format]
Genome version information data_2041 [Information on a genome version.]