All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Evidence data_2042 [Typically a human-readable summary of body of facts or information indicating why a statement is true or valid. This may include a computational prediction, laboratory experiment, literature reference etc.]
SRA format format_3698 [SRA archive format (SRA) is the archive format used for input to the NCBI Sequence Read Archive.]
Sequence record lite data_2043 [A molecular sequence and minimal metadata, typically an identifier of the sequence and/or a comment.]
SBGN-ML format_3692 [SBGN-ML is an XML format for Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN) diagrams of biological pathways or networks.]
Biological pathway or network format format_2013 [Data format for a biological pathway or network.]
BEL format_3691 [Biological Expression Language (BEL) is a textual format for representing scientific findings in life sciences in a computable form.]
AGP format_3693 [AGP is a tabular format for a sequence assembly (a contig, a scaffold/supercontig, or a chromosome).]
Sequence assembly format format_2055 [Format for sequence assembly data.]
Fluxomics topic_3955 [Experimental approaches to determine the rates of metabolic reactions - the metabolic fluxes - within a biological entity.]
Echography topic_3954 [A diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound.]
Imaging topic_3382 [The visual representation of an object.]
Cytogenetics topic_3959 [The branch of genetics concerned with the relationships between chromosomes and cellular behaviour, especially during mitosis and meiosis.]
Molecular genetics topic_3321 [The structure and function of genes at a molecular level.]
Copy number variation topic_3958 [A DNA structural variation, specifically a duplication or deletion event, resulting in sections of the genome to be repeated, or the number of repeats in the genome to vary between individuals.]
VDB format_3699 [VDB ('vertical database') is the native format used for export from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive.]
Protein interaction experiment topic_3957 [An experiment for studying protein-protein interactions.]
BDML format_3690 [Biological Dynamics Markup Language (BDML) is an XML format for quantitative data describing biological dynamics.]
Structural data data_2053 [Data concerning molecular structural data.]
Molecular property (general) data_2050 [General data for a molecule.]
Vaccinology topic_3966 [The design of vaccines to protect against a particular pathogen, including antigens, delivery systems, and adjuvants to elicit a predictable immune response against specific epitopes.]